Literacy Programmes
Ensuring literacy is vitally important to all of us here at Read Bible Get Blessed (RBGBUK). Elementary education is a vital tool in reducing the risk of exploitation as well as increasing the likelihood of a happier future. Personal reading of the Bible is fundamental to building a connection to Christ and the word in general. Our aim is to teach people around the world about Jesus Christ, through the life-transforming Word of God. At Read Bible Get Blessed (RBGBUK), we work hard to help give people these vital tools necessary for creating the best possible life. Literacy is about dignity, independence and wholeness. It is such a key requirement for life that UNESCO defines it as a human right. Our members can support these endeavours through prayers, donations and direct personal involvement.
Mobile Evangelism
Almost 3.5 billion people have smartphones. If we are to reach people, we must go where they live for 5 to 12 hours a day—on their phones. Bringing the word of God to people outside of churches and in the world is part of our vocation as Christians. Read Bible Gets Blessed (RBGBUK) utilises both physical and virtual spaces to bring Christ to the masses. Valuable techniques are used for sharing messages of hope with many people in a way that allows for spiritual growth; all via tools available for most cell phones. Mobile evangelism is a means by which not only is the gospel preached to persons who may not otherwise receive it, but also those doing the evangelism grow in their relationship with Christ. Members can support our mobile evangelism efforts through financial, spiritual and physical support.

Supporting Christian works
Whether internal or external, Christian works are vital expressions of our faith. The team at Read Bible Get Blessed (RBGBUK) supports ministries around the world as well as other endeavours that put Christ at the forefront. We can offer valuable advice and our members can provide support through prayer, donation or hands-on action. With its foundation deeply rooted in Christian principles, the purpose of Read Bible Get Blessed (RBGBUK) is to help children, young people and families overcome even the most difficult challenges in their lives. If you’re looking for support in your internal works of fasting, fellowship and giving, you can find that support in our welcoming, enthusiastic community.